在开始之前,我应该指出,还有其他相关项目模块可用。这些模块像“相关节点”或“相关项目”一样,但是这些模块不是针对Drupal 6发行的,或者根本无法按照我希望该块起作用的方式工作。我想要一个几乎不需要用户输入就可以运行的模块。
name = Related Items description = Provides the functionality needed to create a related items block. core = 6.x dependencies[] = search
<?php /** * Hook for block. This allows us to define and integrate our block into Drupal. * * @param string $op Current operation. * @param int $delta What delta is being called right now. * @param array $edit Edit options for block * * @return array Information about blocks (list) or the block itself (view). */ function relateditems_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) { switch ($op) { case 'list': /* * The list operation allows us to define our blocks. We only want * to define one block here, but you can create more by adding items * to the $blocks array. */ $blocks[0]['info'] = t('Related Items'); $blocks[0]['cache'] = BLOCK_NO_CACHE; return $blocks; case 'view': /* * For every block you define the hook_block function will be run * with a different $delta being passed for each block. * The $delta parameter will correspond to the item in the $blocks * array that we defined in the list operation. */ if ($delta == 0) { /* * A $delta value of 0 corresponds to the block we created * previously. All we do here is get and render our list of * related items and add it to the content item in the block * array. */ $list = relateditems_render(); $block['content'] = $list; $block['subject'] = t('Related Items'); } // 始终返回该块。 return $block; } } /** * Implementation of hook _theme. This allows us to either define functions or * files that will allow us to render the block output in a hookable way. * * @param array $existing An array of existing implementations that may be used * for override purposes. This is primarily useful for * themes that may wish to examine existing * implementations to extract data (such as arguments) * so that it may properly register its own, higher * priority implementations. * @param string $type What 'type' is being processed. This is primarily * useful so that themes tell if they are the actual * theme being called or a parent theme. * @param string $theme The actual name of theme that is being being checked * (mostly only useful for theme engine). * @param string $path The directory path of the theme or module, so that it * doesn't need to be looked up. * * @return array A keyed array of theme hooks. */ function relateditems_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) { /* * We need to create two theme items. The first is to theme each item and * the second is to refine the list wrapper. */ return array( // 定义项目的主题。 'relateditems_item' =--> array( 'arguments' => array( 'item' => NULL), 'template' => 'relateditems-item', ), // 定义列表包装器的主题。 'relateditems_block' => array( 'arguments' => array( 'items' => NULL), 'template' => 'relateditems-content', ), ); } /** * Take a text string and extract the most commonly used keywords. The keywords * are returned in a format that is compatable with Drupal search. The function * also contains a list of stop words that can be used to remove junk words. * * @param string $content The content that the keywords are to be extracted from. * @param integer $count The number of keywords to be extracted. * * @return string The */ function relateditems_node_content_keywords($content, $count = 5) { // 从内容中剥离HTML标记并转换为小写。 $content = strtolower(strip_tags($content)); // 停用词列表 $stopWords = array('i','a','about','an','are','as','at','be','by','com', 'for','from','has','how','in','is','it','of','on','or','nbsp','that', 'the','this','to','was','what','when','where','who','will','with', 'the','www','were',); // 过滤掉停用词。 $filterCount = count($stopWords); for($i=0; $i < $filterCount; $i++){ $content = preg_replace('/\b'.$stopWords[$i].'\b/i', "", $content); } // 计算单词数。 $words = array_count_values(str_word_count($content, 1)); // 对单词进行排序,以使最受欢迎的单词位于顶部。 arsort($words); // 对数组进行切片,然后将单词array转换为字符串。 return implode(' OR ', array_keys(array_slice($words, 0, $count))); } /** * This function is called by the relateditems_render() function. It finds the * content of the current node and uses this to search for nodes that match * this content. * * @return array The array of nodes found through the search. */ function relateditems_query() { if (arg(0)=='node' && is_numeric(arg(1))) { // 我们正在查看一个节点页面,因此请加载节点内容。 $current_node = node_load(arg(1)); // 将标题和预告片合并为一个变量,然后提取关键字。 $content = $current_node->title . ' ' . $current_node->teaser; $words = relateditems_node_content_keywords($content); // 对关键字进行搜索。 $searched_nodes = node_search('search', $words); // 返回找到的节点。 return $searched_nodes; } } /** * This function calls relateditems_query() and renders the results as a list. * * @return string The rendered output. */ function relateditems_render() { // 查找要渲染的节点。 $nodes = relateditems_query(); $items = array(); $output = ''; if (count($nodes) > 0) { // 如果我们有多个节点,则开始渲染。 // 渲染节点。 foreach ($nodes as $node) { $items[] = theme('relateditems_item', $node); } // 渲染整体输出。 $output .= theme('relateditems_block', $items); } else { // 如果未找到任何项目,则返回简单消息。 $output .= '<p>No Related Items Found</p>'; } // 返回输出。 return $output; }
$searched_nodes = node_search('search', 'type:blog ' . $words);
<?php /** * $items = A list of rendered items. */ <ul><?php foreach ($items as $item) { print $item; } ?> </ul>
<?php /** * $item = The search result, containing information about the node. */ ?><li> <a href="<?php print url($item['link']); ?>" title="<?php print check_plain($item['title']); ?>"<?php print $item['title']; ?></a> </li>