

public void setContentView(int layoutResID) {
public void setContentView(int layoutResID) {
if (mContentParent == null) {
} else {
mLayoutInflater.inflate(layoutResID, mContentParent);
final Callback cb = getCallback();
if (cb != null && !isDestroyed()) {


public View inflate(int resource, ViewGroup root, boolean attachToRoot) {
if (DEBUG) System.out.println("INFLATING from resource: " + resource);
XmlResourceParser parser = getContext().getResources().getLayout(resource);
try {
return inflate(parser, root, attachToRoot);
} finally {

先根据resource id 获取到XmlResourceParseer,意如其名,就是xml的解析器,继续往下,进入到inflate的核心方法,有些长,我们只分析关键部分:

public View inflate(XmlPullParser parser, ViewGroup root, boolean attachToRoot) {
if (TAG_MERGE.equals(name)) {
if (root == null || !attachToRoot) {
throw new InflateException("<merge /> can be used only with a valid "
+ "ViewGroup root and attachToRoot=true");
rInflate(parser, root, attrs, false);
} else {
// Temp is the root view that was found in the xml
View temp;
if (TAG_1995.equals(name)) {
temp = new BlinkLayout(mContext, attrs);
} else {
temp = createViewFromTag(root, name, attrs);
} catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
InflateException ex = new InflateException(e.getMessage());
throw ex;
} catch (IOException e) {
InflateException ex = new InflateException(
+ ": " + e.getMessage());
throw ex;
} finally {
// Don't retain static reference on context.
mConstructorArgs[0] = lastContext;
mConstructorArgs[1] = null;
return result;


View createViewFromTag(View parent, String name, AttributeSet attrs) {
if (name.equals("view")) {
name = attrs.getAttributeValue(null, "class");
View view;
if (mFactory2 != null) view = mFactory2.onCreateView(parent, name, mContext, attrs);
else if (mFactory != null) view = mFactory.onCreateView(name, mContext, attrs);
else view = null;
if (view == null && mPrivateFactory != null) {
view = mPrivateFactory.onCreateView(parent, name, mContext, attrs);
if (view == null) {
if (-1 == name.indexOf('.')) {
view = onCreateView(parent, name, attrs);
} else {
view = createView(name, null, attrs);
if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Created view is: " + view);
return view;





private static final HashMap<String, Constructor<? extends View>> sConstructorMap =
new HashMap<String, Constructor<? extends View>>();
protected View onCreateView(String name, AttributeSet attrs)
throws ClassNotFoundException {
return createView(name, "android.view.", attrs);
public final View createView(String name, String prefix, AttributeSet attrs)
throws ClassNotFoundException, InflateException {
Constructor<? extends View> constructor = sConstructorMap.get(name);
Class<? extends View> clazz = null;
if (constructor == null) {
// Class not found in the cache, see if it's real, and try to add it
clazz = mContext.getClassLoader().loadClass(
prefix != null ? (prefix + name) : name).asSubclass(View.class);
if (mFilter != null && clazz != null) {
boolean allowed = mFilter.onLoadClass(clazz);
if (!allowed) {
failNotAllowed(name, prefix, attrs);
constructor = clazz.getConstructor(mConstructorSignature);
sConstructorMap.put(name, constructor);
} else {
// If we have a filter, apply it to cached constructor
if (mFilter != null) {
// Have we seen this name before?
Boolean allowedState = mFilterMap.get(name);
if (allowedState == null) {
// New class -- remember whether it is allowed
clazz = mContext.getClassLoader().loadClass(
prefix != null ? (prefix + name) : name).asSubclass(View.class);
boolean allowed = clazz != null && mFilter.onLoadClass(clazz);
mFilterMap.put(name, allowed);
if (!allowed) {
failNotAllowed(name, prefix, attrs);
} else if (allowedState.equals(Boolean.FALSE)) {
failNotAllowed(name, prefix, attrs);
Object[] args = mConstructorArgs;
args[1] = attrs;
return constructor.newInstance(args);


Constructor<? extends View> constructor = sConstructorMap.get(name);



if (constructor == null) {
// Class not found in the cache, see if it's real, and try to add it
clazz = mContext.getClassLoader().loadClass(
prefix != null ? (prefix + name) : name).asSubclass(View.class);
if (mFilter != null && clazz != null) {
boolean allowed = mFilter.onLoadClass(clazz);
if (!allowed) {
failNotAllowed(name, prefix, attrs);
constructor = clazz.getConstructor(mConstructorSignature);
sConstructorMap.put(name, constructor);


// Temp is the root view that was found in the xml
View temp;
if (TAG_1995.equals(name)) {
temp = new BlinkLayout(mContext, attrs);
} else {
temp = createViewFromTag(root, name, attrs);
ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = null;
if (root != null) {
// Create layout params that match root, if supplied
params = root.generateLayoutParams(attrs);
if (!attachToRoot) {
// Set the layout params for temp if we are not
// attaching. (If we are, we use addView, below)
// Inflate all children under temp
rInflate(parser, temp, attrs, true);
// We are supposed to attach all the views we found (int temp)
// to root. Do that now.
if (root != null && attachToRoot) {
root.addView(temp, params);
// Decide whether to return the root that was passed in or the
// top view found in xml.
if (root == null || !attachToRoot) {
result = temp;
return result;


void rInflate(XmlPullParser parser, View parent, final AttributeSet attrs,
boolean finishInflate) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {
final int depth = parser.getDepth();
int type;
while (((type = != XmlPullParser.END_TAG ||
parser.getDepth() > depth) && type != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
if (type != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
final String name = parser.getName();
if (TAG_REQUEST_FOCUS.equals(name)) {
parseRequestFocus(parser, parent);
} else if (TAG_INCLUDE.equals(name)) {
if (parser.getDepth() == 0) {
throw new InflateException("<include /> cannot be the root element");
parseInclude(parser, parent, attrs);
} else if (TAG_MERGE.equals(name)) {
throw new InflateException("<merge /> must be the root element");
} else if (TAG_1995.equals(name)) {
final View view = new BlinkLayout(mContext, attrs);
final ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) parent;
final ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = viewGroup.generateLayoutParams(attrs);
rInflate(parser, view, attrs, true);
viewGroup.addView(view, params); 
} else {
final View view = createViewFromTag(parent, name, attrs);
final ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) parent;
final ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = viewGroup.generateLayoutParams(attrs);
rInflate(parser, view, attrs, true);
viewGroup.addView(view, params);
if (finishInflate) parent.onFinishInflate();

没错,就是递归的使用createViewFromTag()创建子View,并通过ViewGroup.addView添加到parent view中。

之后,这个View树上的所有View都创建完毕。然后会根据inflate()的参数(root和attachToRoot)判断是否将新创建的View添加到root view中,

if (root != null && attachToRoot) {
root.addView(temp, params);


