该超级 关键字用于访问和调用函数对对象的父。在类和对象文字中的任何方法定义中,super.prop和super [expr]表达式均清晰可见。它在“ extended ”类中使用,该类使用“ extends ”关键字。
在以下示例中,名为“人”的类的特征已扩展到名为“学生”的另一个类。在这两个类中,我们都使用了唯一的属性。在这里,“ super ”关键字用于访问父类(人)到扩展类(学生)的属性,而“ this ”关键字用于访问扩展类的自身属性。
<html> <body> <script> class Person { constructor(name, grade) { this.name = name; this.grade = grade; } goal() { return `${this.name} wants to become a crickter!`; } interest() { return `${this.name} interested in cricket !`; } } class Student extends Person { constructor(name, grade) { super(name, grade); } need() { return `${this.name} needs a cricket kit`; } career() { return `${super.interest()} ${super.goal()} ${this.need()}`; } } const student = new Student('Rishab pant', '7'); document.write(student.career()); </script> </body> </html>
Rishab pant interested in cricket ! Rishab pant wants to become a crickter! Rishab pant needs a cricket kit